How I work for my clients, which in the long run saves them repeated costs of time, energy, and money, is I become the embedded project manager for their packaging projects. The client's printed packaging is produced cost-efficiently, with a consistent look across multiple industries-technologies, and is done correctly, so the client need not worry about the parts of the puzzle they want me to be assigned to handle.
Because you are connected directly with the various factories, there is no middleman markup involved. Since I am the project coordinator and only take projects that fit very well into the expertise of the companies I take your work to, I am able to offer closer to wholesale pricing.
The main reason I chose this work mode is the printing industry is so varied, they require different technologies that not one company can provide under one management team, yet clients need management for:
Featured Products:
- Folding Cartons
- Point of Purchase Displays
- Trade Show Booths
- Direct Mail/Sales Catalogs
- Adhesive Labels
- Sample Packet/Single Serve Films
- When Appropriate:
- Seal Pouches
- Stand Up Pouches
- Child Resistant Closure Pouches